Thursday, November 4, 2010

Listen Up!

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times- but here we go again.

Your- The possessive form of you
If you use incorrect grammar on your facebook status, it makes me question your intelligence.

You're- you are
If you can't use contractions correctly, then you're on my list of people that bother me.

There- in or to that place, at that point, on that matter (take your pick)
You may not write like a competent human yet, but you'll get there.

Their- Possessive form of them
Their constant butchering of the English language never ceases to amaze me.

They're- They are
If they don't get a tutor, they're going to fail English.

Its- possessive form of it
It makes the University of Alabama look bad when its students chalk misspelled words on the quad. (Let us not forget the "choose or loose" campaign of 2008)

It's- It is
I think it's crazy that people who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" get accepted to college.

If this post makes me sound pretentious or snooty, so be it.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

This is late but people asked...

What in the world is the gator chomp?
All I remember is the gator stomp,
when they came to Tuscaloosa that fateful day,
and the Crimson Tide simply washed them away.

It has been five years since the Gators came here.
Who was the better team? I think that is clear.
Not one touch down they scored, and this is really neat,
as we found out last Saturday, history is bound to repeat.

Both teams entered the stadium, very excited and pumped.
The crowed, we went wild, and to our feet we all jumped.
The ball was kicked off and the Gators received,
They drove to the one, "we will score!" they believed

But our defense thought different, and stop them they did
an interception to boot, 'cause we do it up big.
Bama's offense now had their turn on the field
and, despite the gator's defense, refused to yield.

It did not take long to score our first touch down.
Then Ole Saban said, "Welcome back to T-town!"
It seemed we could do no wrong and they could do no right.
It really wasn't even much of a fight***

The rest of the game was similar to the first
Wining was the only thing that would quench the tides thirst.
So win big they did, and all joking aside,
I believe somewhere Tim Tebow cried.

***alternate line:and what a great place, we breed winners here, and win national championships, there is no room for tears

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I like

Brightly colored water bottles, movies, big cups of coffee, really thick socks, sunrises, music, the smell of a heater, sweaters, dogs, my dog, smiles, high fives, football, laughing, sleeping bags, the color green, my sign language class, blankets, t-shirts, Sunday lunch, any lunch, poppy seed chicken, cheese, water, City Cafe, obscure movie and/or pop culture references, books, word searches, granola bars, oatmeal, breakfast for dinner, Dad's laugh, Mom's laugh, Mom's laugh making everyone else laugh so hard they can't breathe, sneezing, thunder storms, sweat shirts that are too big, not matching my socks, flip flops, candles that smell like apples, school supplies, clean sheets, random texts messages, praying, watches, tandem bikes, little kid's stories, fall retreat, my birthday, inside jokes, DVR, a freshly vacuumed floor, anything that has anything to do with febreze, claw foot tubs, coffee shops that give you real cups, facebook photo albums, hotel soap, fall leaves, wakeboarding, the lake in general, they way Grandmother and Granddaddy's house smells, comic strips, getting letters, laying on a pile of warm laundry, crayons, carrots, juice, mom's pancakes, swimming, doing flips, diving boards, parody songs, Gerber Daises, sunflowers, ice cream, spring time, post-it notes, pictures, Christmas lights, when there is no traffic, my ipod, sandwiches, clean feet, hiking, talking about absurd things, best friends, Diet Cherry Limeade, happy hour at sonic, exact change, gift cards, funny people, the maintenance guy at our apartment, warm copies, Psych, sleeping on my stomach, hugs, the beach, pasta, my guitar, Applebee's, eating with friends, one on one time, Zaxby's, saying the right thing at the right time, surprising people, Bible study, magnets, new friends, porches(front or back), trees, and pineapple.

Now I'm in a really good mood.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thanks Coach

"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards."
~Coach Bryant

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Desperately Striving

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Monday, August 2, 2010

75. Go white water rafting... Check

Two Thursdays ago I went white water rafting. It was awesome! I was really excited until we got up there and they showed us this safety video that is a little stress inducing. I was pretty nervous walking the boat down to the water and looking at the class 4 rapid right in front of us, but once I got in the boat I was fine. For some reason the nerves just went away. We only went about five miles down the river, but I loved every minute of it. Everyone should go if you get the chance, but be warned, the water is freezing.

Friday, July 16, 2010

67. Tour a Civil War Battle Field With Dad

Well I was in Tennessee for Six weeks and what do I have to show for it? A growing spirit, some great new friends, and another thing crossed off of the list.

Mom and Dad came to visit me while I was working in Harrison, TN. We spent all day one Friday together and it was awesome. We started simple enough with lunch and then we went and toured the Chickamauga Battle field. It was so cool. It combined two of my favorite things. American History and goofing off with my parents. It was HOT that day but we had a lot of fun all the same. I'm not sure what my favorite part was. Either making it to the top of that 80 foot tower with out throwing up or when Dad scared Mom by making ghost noises in a really old cabin.

After we had our battle field tour we went to the Tennessee Aquarium. That was so fun too. they have a new penguin exhibit, but all the penguins were sitting on their eggs so all we saw them do was poop, which was pretty funny now that I think about it. My favorite part of the aquarium would either be the sharks or scaring mom near the sea horses.... Anyone else notice a pattern?

Anyway, I'll be crossing off another Big Ticket item next week, but I guess you will just have to wait and see what it is.
Seeing as the only people who read this are related to me I'll go ahead and tell yall how much I missed everyone and am glad to be back.
Love Yall!

Friday, May 21, 2010

79...... Check

79. Buy a meal for a stranger

I was not sure if anyone ever read this so it has been a while since I have posted on here. But as per Aunt Libba's request I thought I'd update yall on the list. Because it has been so long I don't remember the exact date, but I can cross number 79 off my list.

I was in the drive thru at Taco Casa and an elderly woman was behind be. Before I go to the window I said a little prayer that the woman would see Christ's love through a kind act of a stranger and hopefully pass on a favor to someone else. I was all ready to feel really fulfilled by what I did so I got up to the window I told the guy I would get the woman's behind me as well. Well it turned out she was getting food for her entire family! After he told me how much hers would be, I got control over my face, and decided i had gone to far to turn back.

As I drove away I did feel good (I'd like to think I felt good because I did a good deed, but i suspect it had a lot to do with being able to cross yet another thing off my list) and decided that even though I'd be eating cereal for the next two days, it was well worth it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

#12... check(ish)

12. Play a song on the piano with both hands

This has officially been accomplished. Mom and I started piano lessons (she being the teacher) and it must be said that the rules of reading sheet music are really dumb, I seriously could have done a better job at inventing the musical scales, but that's neither here nor there. Back to what's important.

I, Elizabeth A. Clark, can now play Row, row, row your boat on the piano with both hands at the same time! My right hand does the melody while my left hand plays chords (a C chord to be specific) thus meaning I have gotten my hands to work independently of each other for approximately 10 seconds. oh and did I mention that is not from memory it is from the music which I now know how to read. Thank you very much. Just because number 12 is accomplished I am not turning my back on the piano (even though I hate it and it's stupid) just yet. I will continue on in my tutelage compliments of my mother (even though she has not exactly agreed to this) and quite possibly the Internet. So say hello to my new obsession (last summer it was golf)

Other songs in my new found piano repatoir (is that how you spell that word?) include, but are not limited to, When the saints go marching in and two songs about riding a bicycle
This made possible by piano lesson book 1

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

dear dearest love

My beloved Spring Break,
Oh how I long for your lazy days and warm embrace. Run to me, my darling, as fast as the month of march will allow. Although school is putting up obstacles between you and I, like tests, papers, and case studies, I will not grow wearing as I run the gauntlet of academia until we are reunited once more. Just three more days, dear one, and I can already feel the essence of sweet reunion in the air.
yours truly, now and ever more,
Elizabeth Anne

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beth had 10

Beth had 10 reasons why she was okay with the Winter Olympics being over, where as I only have two.

2. Canada, aka America's hat.
I'm tired of hearing about Canada. Canada is the worst. They can't even make it snow when the world needs them to.
1. Thursday Nights on NBC
The next episode of The Office will be an hour long special in which Jim and Pam will have their baby. Jim is back in sales and the pranks of Dwight have already started, which is the whole reason people watch the show. Question. Does it get any better than that? False. No it does not. ANYWAY, for the past two weeks I've watched previews for the long awaited show that will air "Thursday after the Olympics" Now it is finally "after the Olympics" now all I've got to do is make it to Thursday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When did I grow up?

It’s official, absolutely everyone has lost their minds. I just hope it is not environmental factors causing the current onslaught of mental breakdowns, because I like it here and would really hate to have to quit school and leave the country in attempts to maintain my sanity. I’m a little in shock because I realized today that I have to be the responsible, rational adult in most of the situations I find myself in. Congrats Universe, you win.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Previously on Betsy's life...

Last week in a nut shell.
School, Labs, work work work, hair cut, the office, pack, bus to mongomery, no sleep the floor of a church, bus to the beach, awesome small group, on the beach in the winter (with ice cold sand), Bus ride home aka 5 hour nap.

next time on betsy's life
3 papers and a test on friday... stay tuned you don't want to miss this

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

9. Make a difference to someone

FBC has its D-Now a couple of weekends ago and I had a house full of 6th grade girls. One of my girls made the decision to accept Christ that weekend. Now I know that I personally had very little to do with it, but I was so blessed that the Lord chose to use me as a tool in this girl’s life. It is a really humbling experience to be able to be with someone while they are making the most important decision of their Life. Standing at the front of the church with this precious 11 year old while she made her profession of faith is something that I will not ever forget.

Edit: I also was able to cross of number 16. I called Shelley (my college minister’s wife) the other day because I had not talked to her in a while, but she did not pick up the phone so I left her a stupid message. She then wrote on my facebook wall (check it and see if you don’t believe me) that they dumb message I left her (and I quote) “made my day”…. I mean I think it counts… any thoughts?

Friday, January 22, 2010

3 Down 97 To Go

Last Spring I made a list of 100 things I want to do before I die. Recently I "revamped" the list and this is it. The reason I am putting this online is because I figure if people know about this it might create some form of accountability/encouragement.
There really are 100 things so if you don’t want to read that much I suggest you stop now. Also, if you think a post this long is annoying or too self indulgent let me know and I will take it down and shorten future posts.
100 Things To Do Before I Die
1. Get a passport
2. Go to Italy and see the Coliseum
3. Fly across an ocean
4. Visit Ireland
5. Kiss the Blarney Stone
6. Save a life
7. See a miracle
8. Laugh until I cry (DONE!)
9. Make a difference to someone
10. Take a road trip without a plan
11. Take turns driving with someone straight through the night
12. Play a song on the piano with both hands
13. Step foot in every state
14. Have a big front porch
15. Write a book
16. Make someone’s day
17. Kiss someone in the rain
18. Go to Disney World
19. Go on an overseas mission trip
20. Help someone anonymously
21. Waste a whole day goofing off
22. Fast
23. Do something no one thought I could
24. Do something I never thought I could
25. Learn to sail
26. Sign a petition (DONE!)
27. Spend a morning with God with minimal distractions
28. Go somewhere by myself
29. Ride on a Harley Davidson
30. Impress someone
31. Do something for a stranger
32. Go a whole day without looking at a clock
33. Pull off a huge prank
34. See something beautiful with my own eyes
35. Change the oil in my car by myself
36. Surprise someone with something they have always wanted
37. Build something
38. Pet an exotic animal
39. Grow something that people will eat
40. Cook a meal for Grandmother
41. Send Mom and Dad on a vacation where they don’t pay for anything
42. Do something spontaneous with Mom
43. Go on a vacation with Meredith
44. Surprise Tyler
45. Buy something big that I want but in no way need
46. Take a spontaneous trip (by plane) with someone I love
47. Make a fool of myself to make someone else feel less awkward (which I have probably done)
48. Publish a book of funny poems for children
49. Leave a huge tip for someone who needs it
50. Surprise a room full of people.
51. Teach someone something useful
52. See the sunset in the Southern Hemisphere
53. Shake hands with someone famous.
54. Stand up on a surf board
55. Mail a letter to someone in another country
56. Have a white Christmas… but just one
57. Inspire someone
58. Go somewhere I never thought I would
59. Give something that is important to me to someone who needs it more
60. Take a sign language class
61. Be in the studio audience of a television show
62. Drop something glass from a high window
63. Take a trip by train
64. Write something that moves someone to tears
65. Get something published in a magazine
66. Buy something with another country’s currency
67. Tour a Civil War battle field with Dad
68. Swim with dolphins
69. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
70. Meet someone who is over 100 years old
71. Thank people in a speech
72. Catch a fish with my bare hands
73. Make a cake with four layers- different sizes
74. Go to a movie I’ve heard nothing about
75. Go white water rafting
76. Make friends with someone from a completely different background (DONE!)
77. Sleep under the stars
78. Invent something
79. Buy a meal for a stranger
80. See one of the 7 wonders of the world
81. Christen a boat
82. Eat Breakfast at City Café at 4 am
83. Read the whole Bible, Gen.- Rev., in order
84. Go to the Olympics
85. Go to a Super bowl
86. Send a message in a bottle
87. Plant a tree
88. Learn to juggle three things
89. Go up in a hot-air balloon
90. Scuba dive
91. Make something and wear it
92. Cook something French
93. Go to Cedar Point
94. Go to a Spa
95. High five a stranger- sporting events don’t count
96. Cry because I’m happy
97. Start a fire without a lighter or match98. Zip line in Hawaii
99. Walk into a restaurant (or something like that) and order “the usual”
100. Be in the front row of a concert.

Thank you for your time

*Betsy reserves the right to alter this list in the even of a change in her tastes and/or better ideas

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome Home Girls

My apartment is super cute now… just throwing that out there. I got some pictures last Christmas to hang up in the living room, because I said it looked like boys live there (we literally had NO decoration but a really crazy fake flower thing that for some reason I refuse to throw away, sorry mom). But what I learned last year is 2 pictures (I’m counting the pictures Audra gave me as one, because they all go together therefore can not be separated) does not a cute girl’s apartment make, and that’s what I wanted. Not super girly but I wanted the place I live to be feminine and fun. What other time in life are you able to have your own place and make it as girly as you want? I just wanted people to walk in and tell that girls live there by the decorations, not just by the cleanness and lack of suspicious odor. So this Christmas I acquired a few more pictures and what not and I am proud to say: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! So now it is cute and a little girly while still being a place where both sexes and hand out comfortable. The fact that there is more stuff on the walls does WONDERS for the living room but because of what the pictures are of (Jack Vettriano prints, pictures that Audra took in Italy, a glamour shot of the stadium and a framed picture of Denny Chimes, along with some other stuff) it is not an estrogen overload.

I am aware that the décor of my once sparse living room is of no interest to anyone but me and possible mom, but if you’re reading this sentence then you’ve read the whole thing so I guess I win anyway.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

new major, new classes, new coat, new year

I started my new classes Monday, and it really could not have come at a better time. Because a certain football team was busy in Pasadena the day after classes were scheduled to start, (ahem, ROLL TIDE) the capstone pushed the start of the spring semester back from the 6th to the 11th and as a result we started school on a Monday instead of the traditional Wednesday half week start up. Lucky for me the full week of work and class does not bother me for two reasons.
1. I am so excited about my classes and after my first days I think I am really going to enjoy them (but only time will tell)
2. We have next Monday off so our first full week is followed promptly by a three day weekend Thank you, Dr. King.

It has been surprisingly cold but we lucked out by the weather being in the 30’s and 40s rather than the 20’s or the, uhh, teens(?). It has gotten close to the single digits at night, but I don’t have to walk all over campus at 11:00pm, so who cares? I was not thrilled with the temperature when I locked my keys in my (running) car this morning (don’t ask), but I could not have asked for a prettier day and I had a cup of coffee in my hands which soothed my chagrin.

Despite the weather I have been comfortable sporting a new coat around campus (old coat but new to me). What do I wear when I am not on campus and want to look a little more put together and what not? None other than a happy new coat Santa brought me. It is a classic style and yellow (don’t judge till you see it) like a technicolor Bugsy Malone.

The new year is (as it always has been) closely followed by a new age for this girl. My 21st birthday is fast approaching meaning I will soon leave my 20th year behind, which by the way went by much faster than year 19 which was lack luster at best. So with January 26th on the horizon everyone is getting very excited because that means it is time to start getting ready Tyler and Beth’s really big birthday… I’m just sayin’.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

1. Keep real food at my apartment (also throw out food/milk as soon as it expires and not just leave it in the fridge)
2. Cook more
3. Do laundry at regular intervals (not just when I completely run out of stuff to wear)
4. Try and keep my apartment cleaner
5. Don't grow up too much