Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beth had 10

Beth had 10 reasons why she was okay with the Winter Olympics being over, where as I only have two.

2. Canada, aka America's hat.
I'm tired of hearing about Canada. Canada is the worst. They can't even make it snow when the world needs them to.
1. Thursday Nights on NBC
The next episode of The Office will be an hour long special in which Jim and Pam will have their baby. Jim is back in sales and the pranks of Dwight have already started, which is the whole reason people watch the show. Question. Does it get any better than that? False. No it does not. ANYWAY, for the past two weeks I've watched previews for the long awaited show that will air "Thursday after the Olympics" Now it is finally "after the Olympics" now all I've got to do is make it to Thursday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When did I grow up?

It’s official, absolutely everyone has lost their minds. I just hope it is not environmental factors causing the current onslaught of mental breakdowns, because I like it here and would really hate to have to quit school and leave the country in attempts to maintain my sanity. I’m a little in shock because I realized today that I have to be the responsible, rational adult in most of the situations I find myself in. Congrats Universe, you win.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Previously on Betsy's life...

Last week in a nut shell.
School, Labs, work work work, hair cut, the office, pack, bus to mongomery, no sleep the floor of a church, bus to the beach, awesome small group, on the beach in the winter (with ice cold sand), Bus ride home aka 5 hour nap.

next time on betsy's life
3 papers and a test on friday... stay tuned you don't want to miss this

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

9. Make a difference to someone

FBC has its D-Now a couple of weekends ago and I had a house full of 6th grade girls. One of my girls made the decision to accept Christ that weekend. Now I know that I personally had very little to do with it, but I was so blessed that the Lord chose to use me as a tool in this girl’s life. It is a really humbling experience to be able to be with someone while they are making the most important decision of their Life. Standing at the front of the church with this precious 11 year old while she made her profession of faith is something that I will not ever forget.

Edit: I also was able to cross of number 16. I called Shelley (my college minister’s wife) the other day because I had not talked to her in a while, but she did not pick up the phone so I left her a stupid message. She then wrote on my facebook wall (check it and see if you don’t believe me) that they dumb message I left her (and I quote) “made my day”…. I mean I think it counts… any thoughts?