Tuesday, March 23, 2010

#12... check(ish)

12. Play a song on the piano with both hands

This has officially been accomplished. Mom and I started piano lessons (she being the teacher) and it must be said that the rules of reading sheet music are really dumb, I seriously could have done a better job at inventing the musical scales, but that's neither here nor there. Back to what's important.

I, Elizabeth A. Clark, can now play Row, row, row your boat on the piano with both hands at the same time! My right hand does the melody while my left hand plays chords (a C chord to be specific) thus meaning I have gotten my hands to work independently of each other for approximately 10 seconds. oh and did I mention that is not from memory it is from the music which I now know how to read. Thank you very much. Just because number 12 is accomplished I am not turning my back on the piano (even though I hate it and it's stupid) just yet. I will continue on in my tutelage compliments of my mother (even though she has not exactly agreed to this) and quite possibly the Internet. So say hello to my new obsession (last summer it was golf)

Other songs in my new found piano repatoir (is that how you spell that word?) include, but are not limited to, When the saints go marching in and two songs about riding a bicycle
This made possible by piano lesson book 1

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

dear dearest love

My beloved Spring Break,
Oh how I long for your lazy days and warm embrace. Run to me, my darling, as fast as the month of march will allow. Although school is putting up obstacles between you and I, like tests, papers, and case studies, I will not grow wearing as I run the gauntlet of academia until we are reunited once more. Just three more days, dear one, and I can already feel the essence of sweet reunion in the air.
yours truly, now and ever more,
Elizabeth Anne