Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Meredith Clark's Summer Reading List

1. The Bible
2. Beowulf
3. Ramona Forever
4. All books with the words Boxcar Children, Babysitters club, and/or Sweet Valley High in the title
5. The Crucible
6. Six by Seuss (which is a collection of short stories if you recall)
7. The back the cereal box
8. Beth’s blog
9. The news paper
10. Everybody poops
12. My horoscope
11. Are you there God? It’s me, Margaret (to help you get through that tough transition from child to teenager)

If you can’t find something on this list to that you want to read….well then I can’t help you

1 comment:

  1. If I could get my hands on Six by Suess... then I would TOTALLY be reading that by the pool this summer
